Push-Pull Super Duper Cool

April 7, 2022



minutes warming up




minutes working out

This workout is a fun mixture of pulling, pushing, and lunging (not to be confused with lounging). Watch out for those sneaky increasing rounds after each set of 400-m runs - it'll be sneaky shoulder annihilation! Muahha


Do this workout live with an attentive and entertaining coach!

For Time

400-m Run
6 Renegade Rows
9 Deficit Push-ups
12 Reverse Lunges

400-m Run
2 Rounds
6 Renegade Rows
9 Deficit Push-ups
12 Reverse Lunges

400-m Run
3 Rounds
6 Renegade Rows
9 Deficit Push-ups
12 Reverse Lunges

400-m Run
4 Rounds
6 Renegade Rows
9 Deficit Push-ups
12 Reverse Lunges

*Lunges are unweighted.

Personalize It

Don't have the equipment or not sure what to do? Paid plans give you access to personalize the workout and the ability to talk with a coach. You'll also see an easy to follow checklist to get ready and a more detailed workout video.

🔓 Unlock for $19/mo

*Your membership plan does not include workout details, personalization options, the Get Ready checklist, or video demos. This app does not support purchasing. Memberships purchased from Gymparty can be used in this app.

Each 400-m should take around 2-min.

Options: adjust to 200-m → 500-m Row → 0.75 mile bike.
No Run Option: 200 Single-unders/100 Double-unders with rope or an imaginary one!
🤰 200-m walk/jog or Inside Version: 1-min. Low Step-ups.

Renegade Rows
Perform with a medium/heavyish, yet unbroken weight.

💪 perform on knees.
🤰 perform Quadruped Rows.
Equipment: dumbbell(s), kettlebell(s), or backpack → if performing with one weight, switch sides.

Deficit Push-ups
Pick something challenging for today!

Options: adjust height of deficit → adjust to 6 reps → perform the lowering on toes and then push up on the knees → perform entirely on the knees.
💪 regular Push-ups.
🤰 perform Elevated Push-ups.
Equipment: stack of books or something to elevate the hands.

Reverse Lunges
Should be fast and easy.

Options: adjust to 8-10 reps → use a counter top or broomstick to hold with the upper body to help stand up.
🔥 perform with weight (held anywhere).

🤰 Additional Options
Omit final round of Run + 4 Rounds.
Add in 1-min. rest before each next run."

Have a question? Chat with your coach.

Get Ready

✅ Weight(s) for Renegade Rows
✅ Something to elevate hands for Deficit Push-ups.


8-min. EMOM
Min 1- 16 Renegade Rows
Min 2 - 40-sec. Reverse Plank Hold
Min 3 - 16 KB/DB Swings
Min 4 - 40-sec. Reverse Tabletop Hold

1-min. Hamstring Sit & Reach, 1 min. each leg

🤰 Option

8-min. EMOM
Min 1- 16 Bent Over Rows
Min 2 - 40-sec. Glute Bridge
Min 3 - 16 KB/DB Swings
Min 4 - 40-sec Glute Bridge

1-min. Hamstring Sit & Reach, 1 min. each leg

See warm-up details
No items found.

Push-Pull Super Duper Cool

April 7, 2022



minutes warming up




minutes working out

This workout is a fun mixture of pulling, pushing, and lunging (not to be confused with lounging). Watch out for those sneaky increasing rounds after each set of 400-m runs - it'll be sneaky shoulder annihilation! Muahha

Instructions, personalization options, and video demos are available for members only.

🔓 Unlock this Workout for Free

*Your membership plan does not include workout details, personalization options, or video demos. This app does not support purchasing. Memberships purchased from Gymparty can be used in this app.

2022-04-07 Push-Pull Super Duper Cool by Coach Cheryl


Dive into more details on the movements used in this workout. Ask your coach for personalization options if there is a movement in the workout that you are not comfortable performing.

Renegade Rows
Renegade Rows

Pulling + Core Movements

Deficit Push-ups
Deficit Push-ups

Pushing Movements

Reverse Lunges
Reverse Lunges

🍑 Posterior Movements