About us

What is Gymparty?

We are committed to providing accessible, dynamic, and family-friendly fitness solutions that not only enhance physical health but also foster positive relationships.

Janet helping a client with exercise

Our goal is to create a fitness community that empowers you to prioritize your well-being while embracing the joy of getting active. Through a combination of engaging workouts, interactive activities, and a supportive network, we strive to inspire lasting lifestyle changes that extend beyond the gym.

Join us on this exciting journey to rediscover the thrill of fitness, redefine your limits, and build a healthier, happier life—because at Gymparty we know that when it's fun, it's forever.

Meet Janet Navarrette, CFO (Chief Fun Officer)

Here’s my best attempt at TL;DR for my story!
My journey began with a leap of faith. I left a job I loved due to management challenges, igniting my entrepreneurial spirit. Just as I was about to take off, the pandemic hit, and the world turned upside down.

In the midst of it all, I became a new mom, adding another layer of excitement and complexity to the adventure. Balancing a new business and motherhood has been a whirlwind, but it’s a journey I cherish.

I will admit, there's still a lot of "figuring things out" happening! I'm learning and growing every day and I'm driven by passion, resilience, and a commitment to provide the best for this amazing community. Thank you for being part of our story!

Meet Jim, our bluejay mascot.

A group of bluejays is known as a party and Jim is here to lead the pack to a healthier and happier lifestyle.