Ahhh Friday the 13th

November 13, 2020



minutes warming up




minutes working out

No bad omens when it's strength day! We have a two-parter today. The first part working on a heavy set complex and the second part working on explosive hip-drive. Both will get you strong and give you that pump primed up for the weekend.


Do this workout live with an attentive and entertaining coach!

For Time

Every 2 Minutes for 6 Rounds
Complete the following complex:
6 Deadlifts
6 Bent Over Rows
6 Hang Power Cleans

For Time:
75 KB/DB Swings
*Every time you break, perform 12 Tuck Jumps

Personalize It

Don't have the equipment or not sure what to do? Paid plans give you access to personalize the workout and the ability to talk with a coach. You'll also see an easy to follow checklist to get ready and a more detailed workout video.

🔓 Unlock for $19/mo

*Your membership plan does not include workout details, personalization options, the Get Ready checklist, or video demos. This app does not support purchasing. Memberships purchased from Gymparty can be used in this app.

For the first part of the workout, we're looking to go as heavy as we can with what we have. For the second part, we're working on our explosive hip drive power, so find a moderate weight where you can hold on to maybe 15-20 reps on the swings.


- Adjust load.
- If your weights are light for your abilities, perform 8-10 reps of each.

- Reduce to 50 reps.
- Adjust load.

Tuck Jumps
- Reduce to 8 reps.
- Perform a regular, two-foot jump in place for all 12 reps.
- Perform 12 Toe Taps.


- Complex: barbell, DBs, KBs, backpack, 2 jugs of milk.
- Swings: DB, KB, jug of milk.

🤰 Mama Birds

- replace Tuck Jumps with 12 toe touches

Have a question? Chat with your coach.

Get Ready

✅ Heavy weight option for the complex. Something where you can do all the reps unbroken, but it should feel heavy.

✅ Weight option for the Swings that should feel moderate-heavy. A weight where you can do 15-20 unbroken.

⏱ Clock set to 12 minutes for the first part and stopwatch for the second part.


3 Rounds
With ONE weight, 10 reps each arm/side:
Single-arm Split-stance Deadlift
Single-arm Bent Row
Single-arm Russian Swing

*Option to add weight each round.

10 reps Scorpion Stretch, total
15 SLOW reps Cat/Cow

See warm-up details
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Ahhh Friday the 13th

November 13, 2020



minutes warming up




minutes working out

No bad omens when it's strength day! We have a two-parter today. The first part working on a heavy set complex and the second part working on explosive hip-drive. Both will get you strong and give you that pump primed up for the weekend.

Instructions, personalization options, and video demos are available for members only.

🔓 Unlock this Workout for Free

*Your membership plan does not include workout details, personalization options, or video demos. This app does not support purchasing. Memberships purchased from Gymparty can be used in this app.

2020-11-13 Ahhh Friday the 13th by Coach Janet


Dive into more details on the movements used in this workout. Ask your coach for personalization options if there is a movement in the workout that you are not comfortable performing.



Bent Over Rows
Bent Over Rows

Pulling Movements

Hang Power Cleans
Hang Power Cleans

It's All in the Hips

Weighted Swings
Weighted Swings

It's All in the Hips