
February 13, 2021 9:15 AM

minute class hosted by
Cheryl Licon Hargrove
Coach Cheryl
Your Best Bud

Every Mon/Wed/Fri 12:15pm, Tue/Thurs 5:30pm, Wed/Thurs 7:15am, and Sat 9:15am PST

In This Class

Not sure if you're moving correctly? Feeling a little lonely sweating by yourself? Need some social interaction with someone aside from your kids? Say no more! Our awesome coaches are here to lead you through the workout of the day in a fun group session with a personal training feel.

"Do I have to turn my camera on?"

Too shy about working out in front of others? Not a problem. Feel free to leave your camera off and you can still get the benefits of having a coach there with you.

"I don't have weights."

Minimal to no equipment required! We can help you get creative with things around the house or we can sub in bodyweight-only exercises.

"I don't have any experience."

Well, if you're reading this then that means you're interested in trying something new and that ROCKS!! Beginners are always welcome and we're really good at catering to each person's needs so don't worry because you're in good hands!

*Your membership plan does not include Live Classes. This app does not support purchasing. Memberships purchased from Gymparty can be used in this app.

Get Ready

L.O.V.E ❤️

See the Full Workout Details

This partner style workout involves legs, core, shoulders, and lungs that are all gonna burn! We combine skill (One-legged Squats), muscle endurance (V-ups, Elevated Push-ups), and intensity (High Knees). Since one person is working at a time and you get rest, go HARD to tag your partner in - everything is meant to be done as close to unbroken as possible.

Perform Buy In/Out together. Middle portion is one person working at a time. P1 does 30 of everything, P2 rests, switch. P1 does 25 reps of everything, P2 rests, switch, etc.

Non-partner optional available, too!

Get Ready

👯 Optional partner